Donate to Planned Parenthood in your Estate Plan

Planned Parenthood is a healthcare provider and educational organization that gives people access to the medical care and resources they need so that they can make informed medical decisions. A Planned Gift to this group will help them continue to make a difference.


How to Donate to Planned Parenthood in your Trust & Will Estate Plan

Donating to a charitable organization like Planned Parenthood is one way to ensure your legacy lives on. Your generous gift will serve to benefit this incredible organization and their efforts to make our world a better place. Even if you already regularly donate to Planned Parenthood throughout your lifetime, you can make a lasting impact by including them in your Estate Plan through a Planned Gift. 

Trust & Will makes it easier than ever to donate to charity, with Estate Plans that include a section specifically for charitable giving in our online Will and Trust documents.  

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Why You Should Leave a Charitable Bequest to Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood has been a leader in reproductive rights and sexual services since it was founded in 1916. They are committed to delivering reproductive health care, sex education and other vital sex- and healthcare-related information and services to millions of people all around the country every year. Planned Parenthood provides high-quality, yet affordable care that so many people can’t find anywhere else. 

The organization’s reach extends far beyond just here in the United States. Their advocacy works across our borders, as Planned Parenthood is a committed and dedicated partner to rights and health organizations around the globe.

Planned Parenthood provides a far-reaching range of health services including:

  • Affordable access to healthcare services for a full range of sexual and reproductive care

  • Preventive care like birth control

  • Testing for STDs

  • Treatment for STDs

  • Important screenings for cervical and other cancer diagnoses

  • Emotional support for patients

  • Programs, resources and tools across communities and classrooms (as well as online)

  • Comprehensive sex education

  • Educational and outreach services to more than 1 million people each year (and countless others through their comprehensive digital services) 

  • And so much more…

Planned Parenthood relies heavily on the generosity and donations that can make a real difference. Though they do receive government funding, they’re incredibly lucky to have (and rely heavily on) additional benefactors and the support that Planned Giving can provide. 

What is Planned Parenthood’s Mission?
Is Planned Parenthood a Good Organization to Donate To?
What is Planned Parenthood Global?
How Does Planned Parenthood Get Their Funding?
Where Will the Money I Donate to Planned Parenthood Go?
Does Planned Parenthood Offer Prenatal Care to Women?

It’s the smart, modern way to donate to the charitable organizations you care about most.

  • 1

    Determine your strategy. 

    Decide how you want to utilize your Estate Plan to donate to a nonprofit. This can offer many benefits to you, your estate, the organizations you want to donate to and to the legacy you hope to leave behind.

  • 2

    Create your Will or Trust-Based Estate Plan. 

    Choose the nonprofit to whom you want to donate then create your Will or Trust-Based Estate Plan using our easy-to-use online platform.

  • 3

    Donate to your preferred charity. 

    Leave either a portion of your estate or a specific dollar amount to the charity of your choice. Whether you write them into your Will, designate them as beneficiary of your retirement account or create a Charitable Trust...we make Planned Giving easy.

  • 4

    Gain peace of mind. 

    Feel good knowing you’re leaving behind a lasting legacy that will help others in the future, even when you’re no longer here to help them yourself.

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