Pile of money that Logan Roy from Succession is leaving in his estate plan.

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We Asked AI to Write Logan Roy's Last Will and Testament from the Hit TV Show Succession on HBO– Here's What It Came Up With

Discover AI's take on Logan Roy's net worth and his Last Will & Testament from HBO's Succession. Estate planning insights for fans & beyond!

Oh, the tantalizing world of the Roys and their never-ending quest for power and fortune! As die-hard fans of HBO's hit show Succession, we couldn't help but wonder what Logan Roy's Last Will and Testament would look like. So, we did what any tech-savvy, forward-thinking estate planning startup would do – we asked AI to write it for us!

Before we dive into the AI-generated Will, let's clarify that this is purely for entertainment purposes and should not be considered legal advice. Now, without further ado, let's explore the intriguing world of Logan Roy's estate planning through the lens of AI.

Last Will and Testament of Logan Roy

I, Logan Roy, of Manhattan, New York, hereby declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. I revoke any and all Wills and Codicils I previously made.

Article I – Family

I am currently married to my loving wife, Marcia Roy. I have four (4) children, namely, Connor Roy, Kendall Roy, Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, and Roman Roy, all of whom I acknowledge as my natural children.

Article II – Executor

I appoint my wife, Marcia Roy, as Executor of this Will. If she is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint my eldest son, Connor Roy, as alternate Executor.

Article III – Disposition of My Estate

A. Roy Family Trust

  1. I direct my Executor to create the Roy Family Trust, which shall be governed by the terms set forth in a separate document.

  2. I bequeath the entirety of my estate to the Roy Family Trust, including, but not limited to, all real property, personal property, investments, and cash.

B. Distribution of Trust Assets

  1. Connor Roy: I give a life estate in the Elysium Vineyard to my son, Connor Roy. Upon his death or decision to sell the property, the proceeds shall be divided equally among my remaining children.

  2. Kendall Roy: I give my son, Kendall Roy, 25% of my shares in Waystar Royco, granting him the opportunity to prove his worth as the rightful heir to my media empire.

  3. Siobhan "Shiv" Roy: I give my daughter, Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, 25% of my shares in Waystar Royco, as well as the option to purchase my interest in the family's summer home on Long Island at fair market value.

  4. Roman Roy: I give my son, Roman Roy, 25% of my shares in Waystar Royco, and the remainder of my real estate holdings, to foster his development in the business world.

  5. Marcia Roy: I give my wife, Marcia Roy, a lifetime right to occupy and use our Manhattan penthouse, as well as an allowance of $1,000,000 per year, adjusted for inflation, to be paid from the Roy Family Trust.

  6. Charitable Giving: I direct that the remaining 25% of my shares in Waystar Royco be liquidated and the proceeds donated to various charitable organizations as determined by the Trustees of the Roy Family Trust.

Article IV – Guardian

In the event my youngest child, Roman Roy, is still a minor at the time of my death, I appoint my wife, Marcia Roy, as Guardian. If she is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint my brother, Ewan Roy, as alternate Guardian.

A breakdown of Logan Roy’s estate plan (by AI) 

And there you have it – Logan Roy's Last Will and Testament, as imagined by AI. Now let's break down some of the choices our AI made in crafting this document, shall we?

  • Executor: The AI chose Marcia, Logan's wife, as the executor, with Connor as an alternate. This decision reflects the importance of a trusted family member overseeing the estate, and Connor's position as the eldest child.

  • The Roy Family Trust: Establishing a Trust is a smart move for someone with Logan's vast wealth and complex family dynamics. It allows for greater control over asset distribution and can provide tax benefits.

  • Distribution of Trust Assets: The AI distributed Logan's shares in Waystar Royco equally among his three younger children, Kendall, Siobhan, and Roman. This decision showcases the AI's understanding of Logan's constant power struggles and the desire to maintain a balance among his children.

  • Life estate for Connor: The AI's choice to give Connor a life estate in the Elysium Vineyard highlights Logan's recognition of Connor's passion for the vineyard, while also ensuring that the property ultimately stays within the family.

  • Provisions for Marcia: The AI included a generous allowance for Logan's wife, Marcia, acknowledging her role as his spouse and demonstrating Logan's continued support for her financial well-being.

  • Charitable Giving: The AI's decision to include charitable donations showcases Logan's desire to leave a lasting legacy and support causes that align with his values.

Logan Roy net worth 

As we delve into the fascinating realm of Logan Roy's estate planning, it's worth noting the staggering net worth our AI has estimated for the patriarch of the Roy family. With a jaw-dropping fortune of $12.5 billion, Logan's wealth is nothing short of awe-inspiring. This hefty sum not only highlights the prominence and success of Waystar Royco, but also emphasizes the importance of meticulous estate planning to ensure a smooth transfer of assets and protect the family's legacy. Remember, even if your net worth isn't quite in the billions, estate planning is still essential for securing your family's financial future.

Now that you've seen how AI imagined Logan Roy's Last Will and Testament, isn't it time to create your own? Estate planning is crucial for everyone, regardless of your level of wealth or complexity of your family tree. Trust & Will is here to help you navigate the process with ease and confidence.

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Trust & Will is an online service providing legal forms and information. We are not a law firm and we do not provide legal advice.


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