Durable Power of Attorney

A Durable Power of Attorney (POA) can protect you even if you become incapacitated.


Protect your loved ones from having to make difficult decisions with a Durable Power of Attorney.

A Durable Power of Attorney is essentially the same thing as a traditional POA, except for one key difference. Durable POAs stay in effect even if you are to ever become incapacitated. A traditional POA would expire at that point, eliminating any protection it ever provided you. 

Having a Durable POA means your agent will be authorized to act on your behalf until you pass away, or until you decide to revoke his or her power. Durable POAs are often used as a type of financial Power of Attorney, both for personal and business-related decisions.

Name your Durable Power of Attorney today to rest easy knowing you have someone in your corner who’s enabled to make decisions on your behalf. 

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What can a Durable POA do? 

A Durable Power of Attorney seamlessly grants any agent you appoint the legal authority to deal with your daily issues. The “Durable” part is key, because it means your POA will stay in effect even if you were to suddenly become incapacitated. As noted earlier, a traditional, basic POA would simply expire once you become incapacitated. With a Durable POA, even if the unthinkable happens, your POA could potentially:

  • Act in any manner on your behalf

  • Sign legal documents as necessary

  • Advise on healthcare decisions

  • Make personal financial decisions for you

  • Make financial decisions for your business

Does a Durable POA End When You Die?
How Long Does a Durable POA Last?
Can I Revoke or Change a Durable POA?
Are There Any Drawbacks to Having a Durable POA?
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How You Can Use A Durable POA

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There are several instances where a Durable POA can be useful. With your authority, a Durable POA can legally do any of the following: 

  • Sell Property
    A Durable POA can handle real estate transactions for you, even if you’re unable to be there for them.

  • Access Bank Account
    With the appropriate Durable POA designation, access to bank accounts will be given, so your daily financial needs or emergencies can be quickly handled for you. 

  • Sign Document
    This could be useful for anything from: you’re out of town on business or vacation and unable to sign transactions, to you become ill, to you suddenly become incapacitated. If any of these were to occur, your Durable POA could quickly step in and act on your behalf.

  •  Make Healthcare Decisions
    If you’ve appointed a Durable Power of Attorney to also make healthcare decisions for you, this person can act if you suddenly become incapacitated due to illness or accident.

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    Make a list of your goals.

    List your goals for your Estate Plan. Think about where you are in life right now, and where you want to go. Having this understanding allows you to seek out an estate planning attorney who can provide exactly what you’re looking for.

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    Talk to several estate planning attorneys.

    Talk to more than one estate planning attorney before you decide who to work with. You’ll find they all have a different way of working with clients, and some will seem like a better “fit” for your style. That’s OK...you want to trust them and have confidence in what they’re doing for you.

  • 3

    Understand the fees.

    One of the major reasons people tend to put off estate planning is they’re afraid of the cost. Don’t let that deter you. Working with the right estate planning attorney means it needs to be a good financial fit, too. When you work with a Trust & Will estate planning attorney, it can be the best of both worlds...you get the expert estate planning advice you know you can trust, but it’s also affordable!

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